Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mick Jagger, Meltdowns and Main Characters

Even if I get Alzheimer's, I will never forget this friggin' song.

So...class numero tres. It was too windy to sit outside before class so I began my search for a hide out indoors. As soon as I opened the doors to my building 75 music students came pouring out. Every stereotype you can think of for musical theater students, insert it here x75, then picture me like a salmon swimming against a stream of loud nerds. Finally, I found a small art library to sit in for an hour and a half, thank God!

Crazytown and some poor Asian dude were the only ones in class when I arrived 10 minutes early. That poor sucker will never come to class early again. She named dropped about some book she edited being made into a movie and some actor signed on, and I'd just love it--- blah, blah, blah. First off, you don't know what I would love but if you like it, it might be a little too (insert BS buzzword jargon here) for me! And second, if I don't know the actor, he must not be that awesome.

Our homework was to write a 3 act summary of Toy Story. Not as easy as it sounds. I'm learning that screenwriting is all about the less words the better, so I had to make my 3-4 sentences per act count. After talking about that movie, we got to watch Act I of 'Moonstruck,' and I noticed how much detail there was in the movie this time around. If you haven't seen it, SNAP OUT OF IT and rent it. If you have seen it, the next time you watch it, notice how much death is referenced and that Johnny and Ronnie haven't talked in 5 years (5 fingers=a hand), and I could go on, but I won't.
As we were getting our assignment for next week I noticed one thing the teacher didn't cover that was noted on the syllabus for the week. It said, "Main Character's Goals: A word of advice from Mick Jagger." I asked her what the advice was. "You can't always get what you want, you get what you need." This was one subject I could have taught that class about because I know that song all TOO well.

Explanation: To keep me from being a whinny little sh*t, my Mom used the Rolling Stones as an embarrassing torture tactic. If I asked her for a toy that I couldn't have and kept asking, she would start singing that song where ever we were, a toy store, the mall, doesn't matter. It was embarrassing as hell and I would walk away as fast as I could and she didn't have to hear me pitch a fit about getting something I didn't need. As I got older, all she would have to say is, "I hear the choir warming up, " which was a warning that she would start singing, and I would walk away from the battle. More parents should do this because I NEVER threw a fit about some worthless piece of plastic. I'm not messed up because of it either...just don't sing around me, I will walk away from you as fast as I can.



I still love those choir boys.

Yet another piece of classic rock can be/was used to shape behavior:
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?!" - Pink Floyd

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mick Jagger, Meltdowns and Main Characters

Even if I get Alzheimer's, I will never forget this friggin' song.

So...class numero tres. It was too windy to sit outside before class so I began my search for a hide out indoors. As soon as I opened the doors to my building 75 music students came pouring out. Every stereotype you can think of for musical theater students, insert it here x75, then picture me like a salmon swimming against a stream of loud nerds. Finally, I found a small art library to sit in for an hour and a half, thank God!

Crazytown and some poor Asian dude were the only ones in class when I arrived 10 minutes early. That poor sucker will never come to class early again. She named dropped about some book she edited being made into a movie and some actor signed on, and I'd just love it--- blah, blah, blah. First off, you don't know what I would love but if you like it, it might be a little too (insert BS buzzword jargon here) for me! And second, if I don't know the actor, he must not be that awesome.

Our homework was to write a 3 act summary of Toy Story. Not as easy as it sounds. I'm learning that screenwriting is all about the less words the better, so I had to make my 3-4 sentences per act count. After talking about that movie, we got to watch Act I of 'Moonstruck,' and I noticed how much detail there was in the movie this time around. If you haven't seen it, SNAP OUT OF IT and rent it. If you have seen it, the next time you watch it, notice how much death is referenced and that Johnny and Ronnie haven't talked in 5 years (5 fingers=a hand), and I could go on, but I won't.
As we were getting our assignment for next week I noticed one thing the teacher didn't cover that was noted on the syllabus for the week. It said, "Main Character's Goals: A word of advice from Mick Jagger." I asked her what the advice was. "You can't always get what you want, you get what you need." This was one subject I could have taught that class about because I know that song all TOO well.

Explanation: To keep me from being a whinny little sh*t, my Mom used the Rolling Stones as an embarrassing torture tactic. If I asked her for a toy that I couldn't have and kept asking, she would start singing that song where ever we were, a toy store, the mall, doesn't matter. It was embarrassing as hell and I would walk away as fast as I could and she didn't have to hear me pitch a fit about getting something I didn't need. As I got older, all she would have to say is, "I hear the choir warming up, " which was a warning that she would start singing, and I would walk away from the battle. More parents should do this because I NEVER threw a fit about some worthless piece of plastic. I'm not messed up because of it either...just don't sing around me, I will walk away from you as fast as I can.



I still love those choir boys.

Yet another piece of classic rock can be/was used to shape behavior:
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?!" - Pink Floyd

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